Subject: Cub Newsletter Author: James Lowell Fry Uploaded By: JasFry Date: 3/30/1995 File: CubNews.sit (46689 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 322 Equipment: Macintosh Needs: ClarisWorks 2.1 or higher, Logger T.T. font I am sorry but as far as I can tell, this newsletter sample will only work on a Mac with ClarisWorks. I have no idea if the IBM version of ClarisWorks will open this file. The Logger T.T. font can be found here on AOL. That is where I got it. It is a font that makes your letters look like they were made of sticks of wood. Really cool for this use (Scout Newsletter). This is a sample of the newsletters we have put together for our Pack. It is placed here only as an example of what we do. Use it as you see fit. If you can use this file and like the newsletter, I can send you more if you let me know. The first page of the newsletter is a composite page. ClarisWorks has trouble creating different column sizes for the first page of a document and then changing those column widths for the rest of the newsletter. I print the first page in two passes and then the rest of the newsletter as a separate file. That way page 2, 3, 4 and so on can be regular column widths. This explains why there are three files that are included in this sample. Librarian's Note: Please download this file as an example of style, rather than for information content. As noted, this file requires ClarisWorks for proper viewing, plus other specialized fonts (I do not have the list at hand). Virus Scanned 12 April 2000, McAfee 4.0.407